Dimensions Art Studio
About Dimensions Art Studio
Dimensions Studio aims to be a supportive influence for aspiring artists and to provide another avenue for connection within the creative community. We can gather inspiration, connect, teach, learn, and share ideas to enhance our creative community.
Support the arts, and the arts will grow.
Support one another as artists, and we grow as artists, as people, and also on a greater scale. We are embracing humanity, we are making history, and every day is an opportunity.
Art has infinite forms. A few examples may include visual, auditory, kinetic, and experimental mediums. The combination and layering of these forms can create a multidimensional experience.
Artists of different mediums are invited to explore the benefits of collaboration.
Collaborative Events are ongoing, and are redefining art as we have ever known it. Are you interested in getting involved? Are you looking for your creative community? Let's chat!
What we offer
Individual and group exercises are open to all ages and skill levels, Dimensions Studio promotes the growth of creativity for everyone, and is a safe and supportive environment that works to make art accessible to anyone.
We embrace artistic collaborations and community focused projects to make dreams become reality. On-Site Studio events allow the art to come to you! Please see our Services page for more information.
Original artwork, art prints, and other merchandise available for purchase through our Online Art Shop. If you have ever wondered how you can enhance your life and grow as an individual, art is here for you!
Upcoming Events will be listed on our Events Page, and include many opportunities to connect, embrace, and promote the arts.